I've been in a very intense process the past two and a half months, writing my talk for this TED Talk coming up in a couple weeks in Chicago. And the intensity had way less to do with TED than it did with emotional barriers I bypassed when I was 19.
Read MoreIf we are low on energy stores, reaction is inevitable. And sometimes, it’s needed as a necessary part of the healing process.
Read MoreEvery single one of us has obstacles and has experienced adversity, and every single one of us has to show up to do the work if we want to improve or make change in our lives.
Read MoreGiving feedback is way more than truth-telling. Are you truly getting vulnerable and building relationship with your feedback, or are you unknowingly causing disconnection?
Read MoreBoundaries are birthed from aversion practices. From trying new things and floundering. From experimenting consciously with your edges. From allowing yourself to feel things you once decided were wrong to feel.
Read MoreRevisiting Hamlet’s famous scene to discover the battle of mind versus heart, and what is waiting to be discover just beyond ego death.
Read MoreMost people are not equipped to help you process your emotions, but what they are equipped to do is to receive your heart.
Read MoreBoundaries are decidedly NOT walls. But what do you do when they feel like they are from someone else?
Read MoreThis is the spiritual practice of all spiritual practices. When you can honor the vile in another, then, and only then, are you truly liberated.
Read MoreIf you're practicing these rights in your own life, it's expected that you honor the fact that others practice them in their lives as well.
Read MorePeople with bad boundaries attract people with bad boundaries. They are a perfect vibrational match for one another. And the good news is that it only takes one person to break the cycle.
Read MoreWhat is emotional evacuation, why and under what circumstances do we do it, and how do we break this pattern so that we can finally begin living the expanded, radiant lives we are here to live?
Read MoreWe have all experienced chemistry in relationship - that thing that pulls you to one another and undeniably creates attraction in relationship, friendship, business partnership, and more. But what is it, really? How does it function, and what lives beyond it?
Read MoreWhat’s the difference between the necessary violations of our childhood and the unnecessary but often perpetuated self-violation of our adulthood, and what’s needed to disrupt this pattern from occurring?
Read MoreMore often than not, our bodies feel like a big obstacle. They don’t always cooperate, and generally, it’s much easier to rationalize and not listen to what our bodies are telling us at all. So, why do our bodies actually matter?
Read MoreHow do you embody your own childlike curiosity, wonder, and awe to follow your vision without evaluating your resources?
Read MoreGuru is a charged word. But what does it mean to be a guru, and why does it matter?
Read MoreHave you set yourself up with directions and identifiable landmarks to get you to where you’re going? If you’re feeling disoriented about your path in life, perhaps you’re giving yourself confusing directions.
Read MoreIt’s easy to trick ourselves into believing we’ve healed simply because we’ve learned to masterfully control our external environment and have a good understanding of why we do what we do. But the proof is in the pudding: true healing has happened when you no longer get activated by old patterns.
Read MoreThe part of you that feels like you need to reap the benefits of a moment by taking in as much as possible IN that moment is the part of you that is governed by not-enoughness and entitlement.
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