from dead-end, assumption-based relating to the endless beyond of clear, kind, compassionate communication.
from dead-end, assumption-based relating to the endless beyond of clear, kind, compassionate communication.
with the vital skills you were never taught in order to fill your life with the nourishing connections you've always wanted.
unwavering trust in your authentic expression.
inhale — exhale
Here’s the gnarly truth: most of us have unknowingly adopted unhelpful mindsets through our earliest life experiences. Being raised in an emotionally intelligent and healthy home is a privilege and incredibly rare, and for those of us who weren’t (the vast majority of the population), we get to learn these essential life skills that support living well and building unbreakable bonds as adults. There’s no shame here; only growth, self-discovery, and endless opportunities for illumination. Unbound is a three-month virtual group program with participants from all over the world and runs twice a year.
Consultations are a way to get moving along, quickly, and to gather the information you need to make a clear decision about what your next steps ought to be. These 90 minute consultations can be used to focus on any topic you desire. Pick my brain about how I started my business and what I’ve learned along the way, get a human design or astrology reading, have me facilitate or moderate your next stakeholder meeting, get feedback on where to focus your attention in your personal growth journey... The sky is truly the limit!
Did you know that most people either don’t know what their needs are, or have convinced themselves that they don’t have any? Did you know that when we’re triggered, we have a very low access to our words, which happens to be right when we need them the most? This digital workbook supports you in expanding your emotional vocabulary and awareness so that you can better communicate your needs, your feelings, and neutralize and dismantle your reactions.
No one makes it through a transformational journey alone, no matter what they might be telling themselves or the people around them. We cannot see our own blindspots (that’s why they’re called blindspots!). Community and reflection are an essential human need, and on these free monthly calls offered exclusively to my mailing list, you’ll have a chance for both.
Joy Beland, Cyber Security Specialist — Los Angeles, CA, USA
Wendy Apperson, Consultant — Seattle, WA, USA
Elvis Beetham, Surf Instructor — County Mayo, Ireland
Stefanie, Regulatory Medical Writer — Copenhagen, Denmark
Seva Burmaka, Coach & Yoga Instructor — Los Angeles, CA, USA
Kell Mara, Intimacy Coach — Nottingham, UK