Why do I share myself so willingly?
Photo by Ullash Borah on Unsplash
Why do I share personal details about my life, my hardships, my interior world, my celebrations, and my gratitude all over the internet?
Have you ever read one of my posts and judged me because of it?
Have you ever read one of my posts and cried?
Have you ever read one of my posts and felt, perhaps for the first time in your life, a deep security that you were not alone in the turmoil you have experienced?
Have you ever read one of my posts and thought "I wish I had her life."?
Have you ever read one of my posts and thought "I'm glad I don't have her life."?
Have you ever read one of my posts and thought "that bitch is crazy."?
Have you ever read one of my posts and, in doing so, discovered language for something you've been feeling for years but never quite knew how to express?
Have you ever read one my posts and been filled with a sense of hope that things could be ever so slightly different for you than they are now? Or even dramatically, fundamentally different?
Have you ever read one of my posts and felt super validated about who you think I am? Or validated about who you think you are?
Have you ever read one of my posts and felt so disoriented that you began to immediately question the meaning of life as you know it?
That's why.
I share because at the core of who I am, deep in my essence, is generosity.
I share because I don't own any of this material and I also share because I recognize it is intrinsically mine.
I share because I have no attachment to what it means about who I am as a person. Because I know who I am as a person and I know that what I write and how I express myself has nothing and everything to do with that.
I share because I know how deeply unexpectedly healing witnessing someone else's experience can be.
I share because some of the major catalysts toward transformation I've made in my life were because other people in my community were willing to share so graciously, and this is my way of paying it forward.
I share because your judgment of me may eventually reveal something to you about you.
I share because I want you to know that wherever you are is ok.
I share because I want you to know that healing is possible.
I share because I want to give you permission to be generous, too. Generous with yourself, in its current expression. Because any other kind of generosity is empty.
I share because I find giving life meaning makes life feel more meaningful.
I share because I love you.