How to sell without ever selling.

Photo by Firdaus Roslan on Unsplash

Many of my clients are coaches, and at one point or another, they ask me why I am not telling them how to find clients.

When they ask me that question, I respond by telling them: "I am."

One of the most powerful things you can do for your business when *YOU* are your business' product is outlined in this article, titled Could Consciousness All Come Down to the Way Things Vibrate?

This is true for attracting attention and healthy relationships and big promotions at work, too.

It really is all about vibration, y'all.

When I'm working with my clients, about 95% of my attention is on vibrational resonance, something I'm deeply attuned to.

I listen for whether what is coming out of their mouth is "in tune" with what is being communicated by their bodies.

I listen for whether parts of them are not showing up to the party in both their physical and energetic bodies, which is an indicator of somatic and emotional armament and blocking (and then I address the blocks!).

I take big risks to help my clients find resonance. I move slowly in these phases of our work together even if they think they should be moving faster, and I leave no stone unturned.

Because the result is a potent magnetism that makes my clients more compelling, more attractive, more integrous, more aligned, and more empathic and attuned to themselves and to others.

And consequently, more prosperous.

"Fries calls his concept “communication through coherence.” For him, it’s all about neuronal synchronization. Synchronization, in terms of shared electrical oscillation rates, allows for smooth communication between neurons and groups of neurons. Without this kind of synchronized coherence, inputs arrive at random phases of the neuron excitability cycle and are ineffective, or at least much less effective, in communication."

This is how you sell without ever having to sell. This is how you meet the man or woman of your dreams. This is how to attract in the life you want to be living.

You look at your body as an instrument, and then you do whatever it takes to get it into pitch-perfect tune.

If you’d like to learn more about how you can become more radiant and magnetic, reach out and let’s talk.