Antesa Jensen

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People want you to have what you want.

People want you to have what you want.

We tend to assume the opposite because we have a low capacity to receive; making choices from the assumption that people are against us and want us to fail, proving ourselves right and thus never creating opportunities to expand.

So why not make a different assumption? Why not assume the opposite even if you have zero proof of it being true?

People want you to have what you want.

Instead of making choices from the idea that everyone is against you, ask yourself the following:

1) Am I willing to open to receive MORE from my environment, the people around me, source, etc?

2) Can I maintain the posture of receptivity even when life feels challenging?

3) What needs do I have that are mine to take care of, so that I am *mostly* feeling receptive in my daily life?

4) What is required of me in order to habituate meeting my needs *as often as possible*?

5) What communication skills am I lacking which would help me help others support me more holistically?