Antesa Jensen

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Master the art of living well.

To live well is to make choices all day every day that prioritize inner harmony over choices that disrupt it.

That means choosing to take responsibility for your needs so that you can better show up for others.

It means choosing your inner harmony over someone else's external harmony.

I can assure you that this journey is not something which can be resolved overnight.

You will mess it up.

You will learn through trial and error.

You will have plenty of hindsight which reminds you that you still have lots of work to do.

You'll think you're sure of what your intuition told you only to find out that actually you said yes when you should've said no.

You'll need to back away from things you think you want to do or think you should do because to do them would stretch you too thin.

You'll have to stop listening to what other people think and paying attention to what other people are doing and start listening to what your heart is telling you, and be guided only from there.

Your heart will never misguide you, nor ever lead you in a way that is contraindicative to the health of humanity at large, this much I know. Your heart is merely an empty space through which an endless well of source energy flows.

In fact, it's doing it already now, and all that's needed is for you to listen.

You'll have to, at times — probably more often than is even remotely comfortable — go against "the norm."

And I want to presence something: it IS easier to do this when you're alone; when you have to consult no one other than yourself about where you choose to be devoted. But it's not impossible to do this when you are partnered or have children, either.

Using your relationship or your family as an excuse to not live well is just that: an excuse.

Yes, children have needs. And one of them is to have a strong role model for what it looks like to prioritize your needs over everything else (especially a sick society's needs).

I cannot emphasize this enough that when you start looking at this — start truly dissecting what it takes for you to live well in the context of your life — your whole world could unravel.

And that would be A GOOD THING.

We have buried ourselves in ideas and gotten very tangled up in overly-complicated ways of living.

It's not nearly as necessary as it seems.

What is for you will never disappear, and what is not for you, will effortlessly fall away once you redirect the forced/effort energy toward your inner harmony.

It will feel like drinking water after being parched for eons; nourished in ways you had no idea you were underfed.

AND THEN, FROM INNER HARMONY, you'll be in a position to consciously choose disruption for the sake of your explicit evolution.

Learn more about my work & philosophy.