All of us are dying.
Photo by Marco De Waal on Unsplash
Last night I dreamt that I died.
I watched as the vitality left my body and I departed.
I spoke with god, and in our conversation, I asked to come back.
“I have more work to do.” I said.
And I returned.
A fundamental aspect of transformation is embracing mortality. Our fear of death prevents some of the most essential transmutations our bodies — as alchemical masters — need in order to evolve. Transmutations that are vital for the collective expansion of consciousness; something we are all a part of in our own individually unique way.
I’ve died many deaths already in this life. Some literal, some spiritual.
There is nothing to be afraid of. Suffering and pain comes from the resistance of death. Death is a natural part of our cycle in ways we tend to not think much about because it happens automatically. Your cells die regularly. Your hair dies the moment it penetrates your scalp.
All of us are dying, and have been since the moment we took our first breath.
Some of us have years left, others only moments. None of us know and we never have and we can’t know with any more certainty now than we ever could before, though many of us are being faced with this fear more acutely right now.
“How will I die? Will it be sooner than I planned?”
A more apt question might be:
“How am I choosing to live?”